Today i want to feature you the bohemian artist par excellence. He was born in Livorno in July 1884, sculptor(his master was Brancusi) and painter, when he painted it had always been directly from the motif, and now he became a specialist in portraits whose delicate stylization showed the influence of his period as a sculptor.
He was like a madman, crazy and he drunk a lot, like "behind the sign of Saturn", and as Nietzche said: "Gods, who chose to, first become crazy". His family was jew, and he travelled around Italy and went to France, where he could not be discriminated . I always think that the job of an artist is very influenciated from his life, "yo soy yo y mis circunstancias" as Ortega Y Gasset said.
His last was typical of romanticism, Modigliani was suffering from tubercular meningitis, and when he died, Jeanne, who met when she was nineteen years old, and had given his only recognized daughter,and had been taken to her parents' house, threw herself out of a fifth floor window two days after Modigliani's death, killing both herself and her unborn child (she was nine month pregnant).
He is now one of the great 20th century artist